ID Authenticator

Enable public service users and law enforcement to authenticate official IDs digitally by scanning the secure biometric QR code on the physical document.

Scopes of usage

Real Life Scenarios

The Document

on the citizen side has a barcode which contains signed ID data to ensure authenticity.

The Verifier App

on the public service users side verifies the signature of the barcode and receives the ID data for further processing.

How it works

to Verifier

Offer citizens and public service representatives a new and efficient way to interact by scanning the OSD biometric barcode utilizing the ID Authenticator.

Field report

Our client stories

Utilized expertise

Standards as Foundation

For us, standards are not limitations but a challenge that we embrace and turn into a proven user experience.


Guideline for reading and writing ICAO LDS2 objects


Secure standard for the generation and verification of digital signatures

WCAG 2.2 (AA)

Making content accessible and usable for a wide range of people.

Assembled of components

ID Auth Composition

ID Authenticator SDK

  • handles data transmission
  • ensures identification security
  • processes data to your governmental system

youniqx Design System

  • provides purpose-driven information architecture
  • offers guided and test-approved user-journeys
  • graphical user interface adapts to respective OS

Secure Development Cloud

  • developed in our highly secure environment
  • ISO compliant
  • EU & GDPR compliant